I made this yummy cake, it says "Be Mine", for my Valentine but he just called and was ordered to work late tonight, so the kids got to it first!
I love Valentine's Day, it makes you think of all of the people in your life that your life that you love. I have so many people and things in my life that I love.
10 ways I show love:
*I LOVE to give people presents
*I keep a clean house
*I help PATIENTLY with homework
*I make all of the beds in the morning
*I always share
*When I find out someone is going through a hard time I always have time to lend a ear and shoulder
*I try to take dinner (usually buy, I don't cook!) to my friends when they are sick or have a baby
*I love to help babysit my friends kids
*I watch TV with Dan and let him have the remote
*I hug my family and tell them I love them everyday
10 ways love is shown to me by others:
*Dan never hangs up the phone without saying he loves me
*Dan helps keep the kids entertained when I have work to do
*Dan is very supportive of my career
*Bryan will feed the dogs (I hate the smell of dog food)
*Cole always gives me good hugs and kisses
*Cody will kiss me goodbye in front of kids at school, even though it embarrasses him
*My friends are always there to listen to me when I need them
*My mom is always willing to babysit for us or have us visit her
*When I receive little notes in the mail from friends
*When my friends really make me laugh!
10 things I LOVE to do:
*Walk into my kids rooms when they are asleep and kiss them and cover them up.
*Cuddle with Dan
*Watch my kids try new things
*Go to the beach
*Go shopping!!
*Go to restaurants
*Talk with good friends
*Talk to Dan
*Be with family
10 ways I know God loves me:
*He sent his son to die for me
*He gave me Dan
*I was born in America
*I am blessed with the holy ghost
*He answers my prayers
*He trusted me with three of his precious boys to raise and love
*I was born into a family that loves me
*He gave me a sister and sister-in-laws:)
*He has given me amazing friends
*I have more blessings than I could ever name or count