Sunday, April 22, 2007


Well, Bry turned 9 this past week and had a blast, I am amazed at what a smart, handsome, big guy he's becoming! I still cannot believe I have a 9 yr. old! He got a basketball, a kid metal detector, and a boggie board! We spend so much time at the beach the metal detector and boggie board will be used alot! He also was able to choose where we went for dinner and he chose his favorite, sushi. I thank the Lord everyday for sending Bryan into our lives and alowing him to survive those first few weeks, I have learned so much from his special spirit. I LOVE YOU Bry!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter time!

Easter egg dyeing, what a mess, but a whole lot of fun!!!!

Easter morning hiding and finding eggs 100 times!!!
Cole loves his great Great Grandpa!!!!


I know it's been a while since I've updated the blog, we've been so busy with the kids and all of their various activities!

We did however find a few free days in all of our schedules to do some beach camping, we had so much fun! Our campsite was right on the sand, the water was literally a few feet away! The weather happened to be the worst it had been all week on the few days we were there, but everyone still ended up in the water and in suits on the beach!

The boys playing "swords" at our campsite.

Digging holes is hard work!

Dad got in on the fun

The hole turned into a fort.

"Don't worry Mom, we'll get the pirates!"

Time to eat dinner!!

It's getting COLD time to start the fireThere was a whole family of Dolphins that went up and down the coast the whole time we were there!