Friday, January 19, 2007

Art Project!

Bry and Dan choosing their stockings

Cole and his stocking

Filling stockings with seed

Filling the stockings with soil
Choosing our face decorations
In order from your left to right top row: Dan, Tara. Bottom row: Bry, Cole, Cody
Dan made fun of mine because it had earrings and a necklace!
The whole family
Lyne (art therapist) and boys
Mmmmmm! Pizza!

For Christmas this year Dan's sister Angy gave us a gift certificate for a private family art lesson in Ventura at the Art Barn. What a blast!!!!! We made these funny faces that grow grass out of their heads. They are made out of pantyhose, soil and grass seed. We all really enjoyed ourselves, Dan and I included! It is really fun how unique all of the faces are, we were not allowed to help the kids, they had to create them all by themselves, I think they did a great job. After we were done we treated the kids to pizza. What a fun memory to have. Thanks Aunt Angy, we love you!

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