Thursday, October 18, 2007


Well a lot has happened since the last time I blogged! It has been a very busy few weeks. So here is the update.

Bryan has played a season of flag football and LOVED it. He played quarter back and I think he's found a sport he likes and is really good at! He is now trying to talk me into "real" football next year, I told him he has a year of talking to do! He will start basket ball in January, he's really looking forward to it! He's doing great in school, I think a bit of maturity has set in. He's pulling straight A's and his classroom behavior is perfect, a big relief compared to last year!

Cole's big news is his baptism! He had his grandparents from Ca and aunt's and cousins come out for it, we all had a great time. He thinks he is the man now, not only did he get baptised, he also gets to go to scouts! He's been having fun with that. He has also been taking piano lessons from Angy's studio, we are told he is a natural with music! He's doing really well in school except for the spelling which I am afraid he got from me! He's considering basketball, Cole just does not love the whole competition thing!

Cole's baptism

Everyone who attended

This is how we kept Cody behaving at the baptism!!

Cody is growing right before my eyes! He is eating me out of house and home- I think he will be the biggest kid of them all! When his family from Ca came to visit we went bowling for his 6th b-day, yes I said 6th! He thought that was the best thing ever, he felt awfully spoiled that day. He is loving his all boy tumbling class at Angy's studio, his favorite part is that is favorite cousin Brandon is in it with him! His teacher says he is the best behaved kid in his class and she cannot believe that in first grade he is already reading chapter books! Cody has decided to start basketball in January he thinks he's really good, so he tells me every time I turn around!

Cody's birthday bowling party

Logan and Robyn would much rather play with the video games
All of the kids on Dan's side of the family

Dan and I are doing well. It has been so nice to have him home!!! Dan LOVES working with his dad and brother. He will start Real Estate School soon. My business is doing really well up here in Utah. I'm working a lot and really enjoying it. We just got back from a family vacation to Lake Powell. We had so much fun! We hiked to some Indian Ruins, took drives in the boat, and of course skied, wake boarded, and tubed. All of the kids got up on skis and Cody, the little dare devil, almost made it out of the wake! The weather got pretty bad so we packed up and went to Goblin Valley. I have never seen anything like it! Do you remember making drip castles at the beach as kids? Well it looked like those only as big as houses! We hiked all over them and the kids had a ball! We stayed overnight and delt with FREEZING cold wind all night. We came home to two inches of snow on the ground! It's been between 39 and 75 degrees since we got home! Weird weather. Our new joint calling at church is the nursery leader! Of course I'm excited, Dan is getting the hang of it!

Bryan, Cole, Cody, and our nephew Brandon- all the boys
I have no idea who's on the tubes, the whole lake has cliffs like this, beautiful huh?!
The kids call Uncle Jeff Superman because he can fly!
Dan, Jeff, and Mike arguing who's going first
Dan lost!
A cliff more Bryan's size
Trying to talk Cody into going
He finally decided to jump

Waiting out the storm in the boat
hiking to the Indian ruins
at the Indian house
jumping from a dirt cliff on the way back from the Indian ruins
look closely, you will see a scorpion- we found him under our tent at goblin valley!
Goblin Valley
All of the kids Dan and Doug


Wenona said...

Great update! What a beautiful place for a vacation. Looks like you guys had a really fun time.

Unknown said...

Yay! Thanks for the update! It was great to see you guys and we had a blast! Looking forward to staying in touch through your blog at the least - and sign up for skype - - so we can internet web chat! love ya!